Conditions we treat

Menstrual problems and treatments

Menstrual problems are the most common gynaecologic complaint. For some they can be troublesome but for others they can be debilitating.There are many causes and effective treatments. No women should have to endure the problem of abnormal uterine bleeding

Learn more about Menstrual problems and treatments


Contraceptive methods are necessary for family planning. There are various forms of contraception either reversible or permanent. They are either hormonal or involve contraceptive devices. Practical failure rates vary greatly. Certain contraceptive choices may carry special risks and side effects. Selection should be tailored to the specific needs of every patient to reduce risks and to maximize efficacy and safety.

Learn more about Contraception


Some couples have trouble getting pregnant and they need help! There are many reasons for infertility including female and male causes. All infertile women need a systematic investigation and targeted swift treatment to achieve success.

Learn more about Fertility

Benign Gynaecological problems

Benign Gynaecological problems are important because they cause symptoms of offensive odour, irritation and sometimes pain. They are common problems and interfere with normal life. Many women often ignore their symptoms or try and treat themselves.

Learn more about Benign Gynaecological problems

Genital prolapse

Genital prolapse is the term used for prolapse of the uterus and / or vagina. It is most commonly seen in older women after the menopause and also women who have had vaginal births. It is associated with a dragging pelvic ache, urinary incontinence and sometimes constipation. It can reveal itself with protrusion of the vagina or the uterus on bearing down. It impacts on the patient’s health, both physically and emotionally.

Learn more about Genital prolapse

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is common. It is a great nuisance to patient’s lifestyle. It has significant effects of self-awareness and carries a stigma. It can be treated.

Learn more about Urinary incontinence

Pelvic pain

Pelvic pain is a common gynaecological problem and has many potential causes.

It can be debilitating and can have a major effect on people’s lives. A cause needs to be identified and an effective treatment given.

Learn more about Pelvic pain

Screening and diagnosing Gynaecological cancers

Gynaecological cancers include cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancer. Prevention and early diagnosis of any gynaecological malignancy should be part of every woman’s health care program. Screening tests are a part of “well woman” consultations and should be performed routinely at specified intervals. Screening tests when normal are reassuring. Premalignant changes can be treated and will prevent cancer from developing. If a cancer is diagnosed early treatment can be curative. Gynaecological screening tests are important.

Learn more about Screening and diagnosing Gynaecological cancers